Core Benefits We Deliver To Our Clients
Andover Partners primary focus is working with clients globally to maximize their measurable bottom-line results and achieve their most important desired outcomes in growing and building their business: this core focus includes fixing the operational and strategic disconnects impacting profitability, business growth and sustainability.
We do not define your business goals and strategy – you do.
Using the Andover Partners Methodology, we show you HOW to achieve the Outcomes you are seeking.
In short: we are in the “How” business.
We do not tell our Clients how to do their job. The “Role” we seek to earn with every Client is one of Operational Catalyst, or (if you prefer), some form of Trusted Advisor.
The former is a very specific term and refers to our Operational, bottom-line results focused approach.
While achieving long term success is often complicated, we have defined a core set of working principles which we employ when building a customized engagement for any Client regardless of industry.
Every Client has different unique needs and special requirements. We begin each Engagement by working with the senior leader(s) & decision maker(s) to identify his/her/they/them/their most important Business Goals and the associated Deliverables and also HOW the “success” of these Core Outcomes will be measured.
We then custom build an Engagement establishing HOW to achieve those Outcomes using the Andover Partners Methodology (APM).
The APM platform is contained in five Strategic Focus Areas, collectively termed S²OLID:
S = Senior Leadership. This is people who lead people.
S = Specific Operational Actions Required (SOAR) to achieve your Strategic Business Goals.
O = Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency in minimizing Dynamic Friction
L = Logistical Sequencing and Prioritization
I = Information and Perceptional Operations (both external and internal)
D = Defined and Strategic Communications Alignment
Some of the Core Benefits you can expect to gain are:
Operational Benefits
- We ensure that your long-term strategy is effectively “linked” to your day-to-day Operational plan, and mutually supporting so you are not “set up to fail.” You would be surprised how many business leaders get this wrong.
- Minimizing “Dynamic Friction” within your business model (very important); Dynamic Friction: quite simply, this term refers to the naturally occurring “frictions” that all firms have whenever two different parts of the business seek divergent Outcomes.
- Helping you develop successful and flexible plans to achieve your business revenue goals in changing markets regardless of economic conditions (we call this the All-Terrain Opportunity Model, or ATOM for short). In many situations, this necessitates that we examine various methods to achieve more efficient marketing of your products and solutions to your Clients and Prospects, so that you can expand your capacity to grow current business and close more new business faster and – in some cases – with less effort and stress.
- Making sure that the way in which success is measured is aligned across the entire firm, and that the measurements you use to “determine success” are, in fact, measuring the behaviors and Outcomes you are seeking and not just financial reporting.
- Developing Leadership capacities and efficiencies of senior leaders guided by the operational art. This includes working with key employees or senior leaders and their teams to ensure that their Critical Success factors (CSFs) are aligned with yours. Actions here include leadership development and team building.
Organizational Benefits
- Establishing practical methods that will help you become more Entrepreneurial as a business Leader, which as recent events clearly indicate, is a requirement for the Future State of Business.
- Helping you to enhance your Leadership Skills Sets so you can manage your different “Silos” more effectively and be significantly more efficient at working within your organization. Getting things done through others is our definition of leadership. There are five core types of leadership: Self, Team, Operational, Senior and Strategic Leadership.
- Assisting you and your key people enhance (their) core capability and capacity (the two items are very different) which will result in a greater ability to proactively manage change “on your (their) feet in day-to-day operational business.”
- Building a culture within the firm where people can be trusted to “do the right thing” (versus “doing things right”) because your working environment is ethically results based and NOT process measurement based.
Financial Benefits
- Pinpoint ways to maximize profits without destroying your Client relationships for short term gains.
- Build realistic plans to gain the highest share of your marketplace without “giving away the farm” (what we call Profitless Prosperity).
- Teach you how to build LTCPs – Long Term Consultative Partnerships – which radically changes the Perceptions that your Clients have of you and enables you to gain the Lion’s share of all the potential business that the Client can give to you.
- Show you how to change your perceived Role(s) with your Clients, so that you have routine access to the Economic Buyer(s) because he/she/they understand the Benefits that you deliver on a regular basis.
- Hone your ability to earn the right (please note the word choice) with all of your Clients to gain “first right of refusal” on any potential business.
- Showing you effective ways to minimize price as an issue.
- Boosting your capacity to build and grow your business via increased performance because we teach you how to significantly improve your “hit rate.”
- Improving your overall level of Operational Control (OPCON) as it pertains to your bottom-line business results; In many situations, this also delivers a heightened capacity for you to “get the job done” in your current Role, while increasing overall revenues and profits for the firm without increasing the level of daily stress that you experience.
- Working with you to create new ways to “sell ideas” during meetings (including Telcos, Video Conferences and Web), so that you provide the maximum impact possible by looking at how you “read the room,” build relationships and project Value.
- Showing you how to run meetings and presentations (including Telcos, Video Conferences and Web) so that you consistently achieve the outcomes you are seeking regardless of the “stress” you may feel or the “pressure” you are under.
- Greatly reduced “stress” and improved day-to-day level of fun!