Experience and Background
Founder & President
Andover Partners, LLC – Founded (New York City) March 1997 to Present (Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex)
My firm’s primary focus is working with clients globally to maximize their measurable bottom-line results and achieve their most important desired outcomes in growing and building their business: this core focus includes fixing the operational and strategic disconnects impacting profitability, business growth and sustainability.
We do not define your business goals and strategy – you do.
Using the Andover Partners Methodology (APM for short), we show you HOW to achieve the Outcomes you are seeking.
In short: we are in the “How” business.
Andover Partners has a long track record of significant success with Clients globally across different industries, and at all stages of growth: from large multinationals to medium sized and small companies.
Every Client has different unique needs and special requirements. We begin each Engagement by working with the senior leader(s) & decision maker(s) to identify his/her/they/them/their most important Business Goals and the associated Deliverables and also HOW the “success” of these Core Outcomes will be measure. We then custom build an Engagement establishing HOW to achieve those Outcomes using the APM.
Major Benefits delivered to Clients include:
- Ensuring that their long-term strategy is effectively “linked” to their day-to-day Operational Business plan, whilst also being mutually supporting: this action makes sure that the business model is not “set up to fail.”
- Analysis, planning and implementation of reorganization strategies (including internal financial analysis) that help CEO & senior management teams maximize Shareholder Value and achieve financial goals within the “real world” constraints they currently face.
- Developing Leadership capacities and efficiencies of key leaders. This includes working with key employees or senior leaders and their teams to ensure that the Critical Success factors (CSFs) are aligned across the entire business.
- Purpose built Exit Strategy: my Clients that seek to monetize their life’s work (if the firm is privately held) or seek an IPO / M & A have used my unique platform to help them build, implement and execute a viable exit plan that will deliver the highest valuation possible.
- Minimizing “Dynamic Friction” within the operating climate.
- Making sure that the way in which success is measured is aligned across the entire firm, and that the measurements used to “determine success” are, in fact, measuring the behaviors and Outcomes being sought and not just financial reporting.
- Development of the operational structures and reorganization of the sales models required to maximize Client profitability and also deliver optimal performance.
- Development and delivery of a proprietary methodology for all Strategic Account Management (SAM) functions, which results in significant additional Revenue.
- Design and placement into daily use a proprietary Business Development (BD) process that significantly increases “hit rates”.
- Assisting key personnel to enhance Core Capability and Capacity (the two items are very different) which results in a greater ability to proactively manage change across the business.
- Building effective ways to minimize price as an issue.
- Boosting the capacity to build and grow business via increased performance via a significantly improve your “hit rate.
Past & Present Clients include:
- Large, multinational firms (and their spin-off sales, or purchase targets).
Examples include: American Express Technologies (U.S. and Europe), Bank of America, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank AG (Germany), Deutsche Bank London, DZ Bank (Germany), HSH Nordbank (Germany), IBM, Jefferies International (London), Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Overseas Shipping Group, Sears Holdings, Sherman & Sterling (London) and Simmons & Simmons (London).
- Closely held Mid Cap firms in the U.S. and EU.
Examples include American Bureau of Shipping (Houston, TX) and Middelstand Clients in Germany.
- Closely held Small Cap firms throughout the U.S.
Examples include MJLF (Stamford, CT) and KCIC (Washington DC).
Combat Service Support Commander
United States Army Reserve (Active Component) – Worldwide – June 1987 to March 2002
Highest Rank Attained – Major
Served in the following capacities:
- Officer in Charge of multiple Combat Service Support Teams in multiple theaters of operations.
- Nuclear, Biological and Chemical warfare officer assigned to classified wartime planning and operations.
- Planning, preparation and execution of logistical support packages for DEA, ATF and Border Patrol Interdiction & Area Denial operations involving Hazardous Duty.
Desert Shield / Desert Storm –
(August 1990 thru June 1991)
- Commander of a very unique Combat Service Support unit that was activated in August 1990.
- Organization and operational utilization of $1.2 billion in classified spare parts.
- Daily leadership and control of training for over 250 soldiers (including 58 females) involved in dozens of separate skill areas ranging from Top Secret electronics to biological hazard detection.
Other Responsibilities and Achievements –
- Combat support development officer for Force XXI, which is the basis for Army operations in the twenty-first century: many of the concepts initially developed under Force XXI are currently being used in Iraq and in Afghanistan, including many of the “Asymmetric Warfare” platforms.
- Significant time and resources spent assisting in the planning, developing and implementation of logistical support for both Domestic and International Anti-Terrorist/Counter-Terrorist operations.
- The Core Principals in Combat Logistics and Nuclear, Biological and Chemical warfare (now called CBRN) that were first developed in the 7th LID formed the basis for the Operational Planning for the U.S. Army today.
Combat Service Support Commander
United States Army – Worldwide – May 1983 to May 1987
Served in the following capacities:
- Logistics Officer (Ordnance Branch) assigned to the 7th Infantry Division (Light)
- Officer in Charge, 9th Infantry Regiment’s (Manchu’s) Combat Logistics Unit
- I was the first Ordnance Officer in U.S. Army history to be embeddedinto a Combat Arms unit.
Graduated in Combat Service Support (Logistics)
Command and General Staff College – Fort Leavenworth, KS 1991 to 1992
MBA in Entrepreneurialism & Marketing
University of Southern California – Los Angeles, CA 1987 to 1989
Bachelors in History and Political Science
Claremont McKenna College – Claremont, CA 1979 to 1983
Phillips Academy – Andover, MA 1976 to 1979
- Meritorious Service Medal
- Army Commendation Medal (2)
- Army Achievement Medals (3)
- Commissioned Regular Army in May 1983 upon completion of ROTC (full three-year Army ROTC Scholarship winner)
- 1983 Cadet of the Year: Daughters of the American Revolution